FARGEN FJORD as a company produces high-quality chemical products for all industries, specializing in such difficult areas as painting of gas pipelines and oil pipelines, specialized painting of transport systems and marine vessels and aviation. A separate area of activity and the pride of our company are paints and varnishes for wood-finishing industry.

Influenced by Norway's vast landscapes, decorated with otherworldly fjords and mountains, our company hopes to stay true to its heritage by taking inspiration from nature itself. Our products are required to be of the highest quality as they are supposed to withstand the harsh climates of the country. Taking inspiration from the rich palettes of the world around us - from the gloomier, darker tones of blue and grey that make up the rockier parts of the terrain, to the bright colors of the northern lights that bless our land in the winter, we strive to incorporate the natural colors of nature in our craft.

Norway is also known to have a strong tradition of partnership and collaboration, as well as constant commitment to innovation. Our collective fosters some of the most trustworthy and skilled workers in the industry, as the work that we do often requires coming up with innovative solutions. We accomplish this by cultivating a creative space that sees people come together to work for one common goal as our employees make use of grade-A problem-solving skills to come up with and integrate the newest technologies that automate processes inside of our company, leading them to having a serious stake in the brand that is Fargen Fjord. Committed to being minimalist not only in design, but in our company's structure - by keeping our inner circle tight, we prioritize practicality and ensure that our customers feel valued and supported as they are getting a product that could only be the result of some of the most efficient decision-making there is.

Our mission is to convey the ideology of the company to protect the environment to every client who consumes our paint products. Our company's purpose is to share with our customers our passion and professionalism in working with paint and varnish and painting objects of any complexity and to make working with us as comfortable and profitable as possible. We strive to conduct our business in an open manner, promoting transparency in our industry. We protect the information created by us or transferred to us, to ensure that appropriate confidentiality and integrity.